Four ways that coaching can help you

If you have been following me for a while, you’ll know that I am on a mission is to support Social Workers and Child Protection practitioners to have an inspiring and passionate career without sacrificing their wellbeing.

I have found that coaching is a great resource to support your career, both from experiencing coaching personally and through providing coaching myself. Coaching is an exciting process where you set clear and inspiring goals and through the process are motivated, inspired, held accountable to the goals that you set and ultimately make lasting changes that support your career and general wellbeing too.  

If you have been wondering if coaching is right for you, here are four reasons to consider coaching:

1- You’ve lost the spark in your career

I personally found that coaching helped me to find inspiration in my career when I had lost my work mojo! Coaching supports you to be passionate and inspired both in your career and personal life. 

A coach will help inspire you and ultimately you’ll leave each session with a bit (or a lot) of spark and excitement as you work on your goals. 

2- You are feeling stuck and just don’t know what you should do next

In a coaching series with me, the first thing that you do is complete a questionnaire. This begins the journey of personal reflection of who you truly want to be and where your career should move towards. I will encourage, challenge and focus on you and what you want to achieve. 

In no time, you will have clarity and have a clear idea about where to next.

3- You have a goal that you want to achieve, but need someone to motivate you to achieve it

Often we have some ideas floating around in our mind that we want to achieve, and either we haven’t set goals that are achievable or inspirational or that every time you set out to achieve the goal you get lost, distracted or maybe even self sabotage. Coaching can support you to set clear goals and then keep you accountable to achieving them. 

4- You know what to do for your self care but just can’t seem to actually carry it out!

It’s so common for us to know what self care is and what we should be doing, but when it actually comes to doing it, it all falls down. Coaching can help you to get back on track with your self care and set up lifelong changes.

If you can relate to any of these four points then coaching might be right for you, you can book in a free 30 minute pre coaching consultation to learn more about coaching and to find out if I am the right coach for you.


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