How to get over that ‘meh’ feeling in our job

There are times in our life that leave us feeling pretty ‘meh’ with our job, we’ve lost some of that passion, we’re not getting the same fulfilment from our work or things are annoying us way more than normal…

There are definitely times where I feel I am lacking inspiration and motivation to not just achieve, but also just to get my day-to-day work tasks completed. In the past I would have just pushed on through, ignoring this feeling until my body and mind forced me to take action. 

I’ve now learnt that feeling ‘meh’ is an early warning sign of burnout and that if I put in strategies that I can change this feeling and get back to feeling passionate and inspired.

I’ve put together some tips that I’ve found help me, but also that help those I supervise and coach.

  • Check in with where you are at

First thing you really need to do is to tune into to yourself, assess your thoughts and feelings and try to really get to the bottom of why you might be feeling ‘meh’. This will help you take your next steps

  • Create a vision 

What is it with having a holiday booked that helps keep you going? Well your career is the same, having a vision and knowing where you want to go helps to keep you inspired and passionate. Take time to figure our the vision for your career, think about both short term and long term! You might want to think about recording your vision in some way ( a vision board or in a mindmap are two ideas)

  • Take that scary step 

Once you have checked in with where you are at, and created a vision you need to think about the next steps to take. Start small even if that small step feels scary! But remember any time you take a scary step, there is going to be hesitation but think about how you feel when you achieve that vision you’ve set for yourself. 

  • Having the right support around you

Connection and community are key to helping you move past the ‘meh’ feeling. Now that you know what you need to do, you want to set up support around you to help you to achieve your goals. How can your friends or family help you? How can your Manager/ workplace support you? Do you need someone that purely helps you to achieve these goals? 

If you have run through these steps and are looking for support,  or are stuck somewhere along the way then consider working with me, regular supervision sessions, a coaching series or my program the Passionate Practitioner Project could all support you.


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