My name is Liz (she/ her) and I am a Social Worker, Supervisor and Coach.
I am passionate about supporting Social Workers, Case Workers and those in the helping professions to have strong long lasting careers in the industry, where they stay passionate and inspired without sacrificing their personal well being.
My story
I was born and raised in Aotearoa (New Zealand) and began my Social Work career there 14 years ago in Statutory Child Protection. My first role was in a multicultural and low socioeconomic area and despite a fair bit of volunteer work while I was studying, I quickly realised I was naive and that I had lived a very privileged life. I experienced a steep learning curve with the help and support of amazing colleagues and through the families and children that I worked with. I did however learn that my kindness, non judgmental attitude, honesty and willingness to learn were invaluable traits for my social work career. I moved countries to the UK and then on to Australia, all while working in Child Protection, in varying roles as a Social Worker, Case Worker, Team Leader and Manager for both Government and Non Government Organisations.
As I became a Team Leader and Manager, I learnt more about supervision and began to understand that I had received very little quality supervision throughout my career and this is really where my passion of supporting workers began.
It wasn't until I moved roles away from the front line that I found myself struggling with depression and anxiety. As I delved deeper, I realised that this was largely caused by burnout and vicarious trauma and that they had been bubbling away at the surface most of my career but being hidden by the adrenalin of child protection work and by me trying to pretend it wasn't there. Away from frontline work and the adrenalin that comes with it, I couldn't hide from the vicarious trauma and burnout anymore, it was taking a toll on me mentally and physically.
As I began building myself back up I realised that in Australia my Social Work identity had been disappearing over the years as I worked within generic child protection roles and that without this identity my passion waned and burnout came on faster and harder. I also realised that I had had very little proper supervision in the workplace and that my passion really lay with supporting other workers in the industry. As I connected with other like minded workers, I realised that what I had experienced was not unusual in Social Work and Child Protection and so the seed was planted for my Supervision and Coaching business.
Through Supervision and Coaching, I get to work with my passions. I meet inspirational workers regularly and through supervision and coaching get to share in their amazing reflections, ‘aha moments’, advocacy in the sector and personal development. I feel very privileged to do the work that I do.
Whether you are here to explore working with me, to check out my resources or just have a look around, welcome! I hope you find some inspiration in the same way that others inspire me. Feel free to get in contact if you have any questions or even jump straight in and book an appointment with me.