Life on the Road; Caravan Chronicles
On March 1st 2024, my family and I embarked on an incredible adventure: a 12-month 'big lap' around Australia. With myself, my husband, our toddler, and Scout (the dog) in tow, we set off in our caravan with a vague itinerary and big ideas!
I will continue to work on the road, I have always been solely online (as I started my business 4 years ago, just before the pandemic) but will have limited spots available as I enjoy lots of family time. I have Starlink, satellite internet which by all reports is amazing for most spots around Australia and I will be working out of our caravan (sans husband and toddler obviously).
I thought I’d share some of the journey with you, as I navigate life and work on the road. I want to share the highs and lows, and even some lessons I learn along the way. One of my aims has always been to share my never ending self care journey (see my previous blogs) and this will be no different.
The realities of life on the road
As I write this, we are just two weeks into the journey, and we have have already ridden big highs and big lows! Life of course continues, like our toddler deciding week 1 to drop her nap! We’ve also had some terrible rain, resulting in some broken awning poles and feeling a bit miserable trapped in a small caravan. But the flip side is that we have already seen some amazing sights (and we are not even that far from home yet) and feel so lucky to spend time together as a family.
One of the biggest joys is to spend time with my daughter, watching her explore and experience new things and for me going along at her pace, and not having to rush as always seemed to be the case at home.
Balancing work
In terms of work, I’ve already had a few lessons and had to make some adjustments. I think now I’ve ironed them out but I’m sure more will be around the corner.
As I continue to work remotely and out of a caravan, I am reminded of the balance between professional life and family time, and that this continues (but just determining the balance is different). I’ve been able to stay productive and the reality is that my work provides a structure and purpose to my day which I really enjoy and each session as allows brings me inspiration in my work (and through the work of others).
Finding Inspiration
While life on the road, hasnt started off as relaxing as I anticipated, I am already noticing the extra space has provided me a newfound sense of creativity and inspiration in a business sense. After two weeks my mind is busy with ideas and possibilities, as well as thoughts for supervisee’s and sessions. At the moment, for most of these, I am just noticing the thoughts and not jumping into any action too quickly! I wonder what my mind will be the further we go?
As we continue on our ‘big lap’, who knows where it will lead (well apart from around Australia!) I hope that sharing this journey may inspire you in some way, not necessarily to live this dream but to explore your own.
If you are keen for supervision or coaching, then get in touch!